Critiques of medicine / Kritik der Medizin

A list of books from 1900 until today about drug marketing and lobbying, medication advertising, overselling and pricing, regulatory issues, pharmaceutical deceptions and fraud, disease mongering and invention, scandals and more.


Vaccination: Proved Useless & Dangerious. From Forty-five years of registration statistics.
Alfred Russel Wallace, Alexander Wheeler
1885, 1889, 45 pages, worldcat, worldcat
Jenner and vaccination: a strange chapter of medical history
Charles Creighton
1889, 1892, 2022, 360 pages, worldcat,, HathiTrust Digital Library
quote “The profession as a whole has been committed before now to erroneous doctrines and injurious practices, which have been upheld by its solid authority for generations. Lesage’s satire upon blood-letting, (…) which appeared in 1715, ought of itself to have made that practice ludicrous in the eyes of the world; but blood-letting survived a hundred years after that in all countries; and in the country of Sangrado it survived a hundred and fifty years. The apology for it, or explanation of its abandonment, which was still being taught in lectures twenty years ago, was that diseases had changed their type from sthenic to asthenic, and that in our asthenic age blood-letting was no longer necessary. It is difficult to conceive what will be the excuse made for a century of cowpoxing; but it cannot be doubted that the practice will appear in as absurd a light to the common sense of the twentieth century as blood-letting now does to us. Vaccination differs, however, from all previous errors of the faculty, in being maintained as the law of the land on the warrant of medical authority.” (page 353f.)
The murderous fads in the practice of medicine, and the cause and prevention of disease
Matthew Joseph Rodermund
1900, 1901, 650+ pages, worldcat, worldcat, google books
The vaccination superstition: prophylaxis to be realized through the attainment of health, not by the propagation of disease; can vaccination produce syphilis?
John W. Hodge
1902, 70 pages, worldcat, HathiTrust Digital Library
Startling facts about disease: cause, cure and prevention
Chester Levere
1915, 1923, 290 pages, (1923), worldcat
The drug story: a factological history of America’s $10,000,000,000 drug cartel–its methods, operations, hidden ownership, profits and terrific impact on the health of the American people
Morris A. Bealle
1949, 2012, 230+ pages,, worldcat
The Poisoned Needle: Suppressed Facts
Eleanor McBean
1953, 2021, 230+ pages,, worldcat, url
Limits to medicine: medical nemesis: the expropriation of health
Ivan Illich
1975, 2021, 290+ pages,, worldcat, openlibrary
The role of medicine: dream, mirage or nemesis?
Thomas McKeown
1976, 2014, 200+ pages, worldcat
summary “In analyzing the factors that have improved health and enhanced longevity during the last three centuries, Thomas McKeown contends that nutritional, environmental, and behavioral changes have been and will be more important than specific medical measures, especially clinical or curative measures.” (worldcat)
Confessions of a medical heretic
Robert S. Mendelsohn
1979, 190 pages, worldcat
summary “Covers issues from unnecessary surgeries and prescribed drugs, to preventive medicine and home births.” (worldcat)
Pure politics and impure science: the swine flu affair
Arthur M Silverstein
1981, 176 pages,, worldcat
How to raise a healthy child – in spite of your doctor
Robert S. Mendelsohn
1984, 280+ pages,, worldcat
To do no harm: DES and the dilemmas of modern medicine
Roberta J. Apfel, Susan M. Fisher
1984, 200 pages, worldcat
Poison by Prescription: The AZT Story
John Lauritsen
1990, 1992, 194 pages, worldcat
Disease-Mongers: How Doctors, Drug Companies, and Insurers Are Making You Feel Sick
Lynn Payer
1992, 300 pages, openlibrary
Follies and fallacies in medicine
Petr Skrabanek, James McCormick
1992, 1998, 170 pages, worldcat, worldcat
The death of humane medicine and the rise of coercive healthism
Petr Skrabanek
1994, 200+ pages, worldcat
AIDS: the failure of contemporary science: how a virus that never was deceived the world
Neville Hodgkinson
1996, 400+ pages, worldcat
summary “When AIDS was first reported, two principal schools of thought developed about its origins. One, which gained the strongest currency, held that AIDS was caused by a deadly microbe - the Human Immunodeficiency Virus - and that, because of a long time-lag between infection and disease, millions of people around the world could be facing death. The other theory maintained that an accumulation of infections and other assaults on the body led to the breakdown of immune responses as seen in AIDS. For over ten years, Hodgkinson argues, the former theory has been slavishly adhered to, not because it is correct but because the virus theory offers something concrete to fight against, from which people can gain scientific renown, pharmaceutical profit and, most tenaciously of all, hope. Debunking the myth, Hodgkinson presents a detailed analysis of the inadequacies of the ‘HIV test’ disclosing evidence that, from its inception, scientists have recognised that the test was flawed - the ‘virus’ the test is supposed to detect has proved impossible to isolate in a routine way. He demonstrates that genuine hope lies in shedding the illusions and distortions that have grown up around a failed hypothesis.” “The resulting picture is a sometimes frightening indictment of medical stubbornness and a fascinating argument for a radical rethink of science’s observational methods, checks and assumptions. The changes arising from such a new stance could bring enormous benefit not only to AIDS patients but to the whole of medicine and indeed to the role of science in society.” (book jacket)
Inventing the AIDS Virus: have we been misled?
Peter H. Duesberg
1996, 700+ pages, wikipedia, worldcat
Medical blunders: amazing true stories of mad, bad and dangerous doctors
Robert M. Youngson, Ian Schott
1996, 2012, 400+ pages, worldcat
Later published as “A brief history of bad medicine: True stories of weird medicine and dangerous doctors”
What doctors don’t tell you: the truth about the dangers of modern medicine
Lynne McTaggart
1996, 2005, 400+ pages, worldcat
summary “New edition of this highly controversial and campaigning book that reveals the truth about the pills and procedures your doctor prescribes and offers proven alternatives for diagnosing, preventing and treating many illnesses. Includes updated information on all the most recent health issues - vaccination, HRT, Viagra, IVF and more.” (worldcat)
What if everything you thought you knew about AIDS was wrong? The book that will change your view of HIV and AIDS … and possibly change your life
Christine Maggiore
1996, 2006, 120+ pages, worldcat
AIDS Inc.: Scandal of the Century
Jon Rappoport
1998, 2004, 360 pages, worldcat
Positively false: exposing the myths around HIV and AIDS
Joan Shenton
1998, 2015, 260p pages, worldcat
Too much medicine: the business of medicine and its risk to you
Ray Moynihan
1998, 300+ pages, worldcat
False premises, false promises: selected writings of Petr Skrabanek
Petr Skrabanek
2000, 200 pages, worldcat
When AIDS began: San Francisco and the making of an epidemic
Michelle Cochrane
2003, 2004, 260 pages, worldcat
Hush Hush: the dark secrets of scientific research
Michael Jordan
2003, 192 pages, worldcat
summary “Is science out of control? How much do we really know about what goes on behind closed doors? Is scientific development really in our best interests? But most of all, why are these developments kept secret? This is an absorbing and horrifying expose of the dark side of scientific research.
Contents: The Secrets of Success, Big Business Keeping the Public in the Dark: The Bhopal chemical disaster; Asbestos; Tobacco, health and lies; Chlorpyrifos: a killer with a secret; Cell phones: how safe are we?; Deep vein thrombosis in economy class; Vehicle safety secrets — Doctor Knows Best, Medical Ethics Under the Knife: The thalidomide tragedy; Dow Corning breast implants; Superbugs and antibiotics; Ritalin and hyperactivity; Gulf War Syndrome; Fluoride: are we being conned? — A Question of National Security, Top Secret Coverups: The Mull of Kintyre disaster; The Manhattan Project; Smallpox: how ready are we?; Agent Orange; Radiation exposure; UFO, a government fabrication? — Power Corrupts, Political Gain Takes Precedence Over Public Interest: Nuclear power plant disasters?; Is there a nuclear power plant coverup?; PCB poisoning of North America; The Love Canal; The GM food debate — A Green and Red Herring, The Separate Truths of Governments and Greens: Global Warming; The silencing of Bjorn Lomborg; Sweden’s biggest environmental disaster; Deforestation; The Minke Whale deception; Atomflot: a catastrophe-in-waiting; Space debris — Saving Face, When Professional Pride Comes Before Public Safety: Ferry disasters; X-ray secrecy; Concorde – The Human Cost, Violating Human Rights in the Name of Science: Porton Down; Unit 731; Shell in the Niger Delta; The Tuskegee Syphilis Study; Human testing at Holmesburg Prison; The Alder Hey Children’s Hospital scandal; What Does the Future Hold?” (worldcat)
Good-bye germ theory: ending a century of medical fraud
William P. Trebing
2004, 2006, 290+ pages, worldcat
On the take: how America’s complicity with big business can endanger your health
Jerome P. Kassirer
2004, 250+ pages, openlibrary
Overdo$ed America: the broken promise of American medicine
John Abramson
2004, 300+ pages, openlibrary
The $800 million pill: the truth behind the cost of new drugs.
Merrill Goozner
2004, worldcat
The drug trial: Nancy Olivieri and the scandal that rocked the Hospital for Sick Children
Miriam Shuchman
2004, 400+ pages, openlibrary
“the debacle over the pill called L1”
The virus and the vaccine: contaminated vaccine, deadly cancers, and government neglect
Debbie Bookchin, Jim Schumacher
2004, 2005, 380 pages, worldcat
summary “Jonas Salk’s polio vaccine has taken on an almost legendary quality as a medical miracle, for it largely eradicated one of the most feared diseases of the 20th century. But the story of the vaccine has a dark side, one that has never been fully told before … Between 1954 and 1963, close to 98 million Americans received polio vaccinations contaminated with a carcinogenic monkey virus, now known as SV40. A concerted government effort downplayed the incident, and it was generally accepted that although oncogenic to laboratory animals, SV40 was harmless to humans. But now SV40 is showing up in human cancers, and prominent researchers are demanding a serious public health response to this forgotten polio vaccine contaminant. A gripping medical detective story, The Virus and the Vaccine raises major questions about vaccine policy.” (worldcat)
Ethics and the pharmaceutical industry
Michael A. Santoro
2005, 500+ pages, openlibrary, worldcat
summary “Despite the pharmaceutical industry’s notable contributions to human progress, including the development of miracle drugs for treating cancer, AIDS, and heart disease, there is a growing tension between the industry and the public. Government officials and social critics have questioned whether the multibillion-dollar industry is fulfilling its social responsibilities. This doubt has been fueled by the national debate over drug pricing and affordable healthcare, and internationally by the battles against epidemic diseases, such as AIDS, in the developing world. Debates are raging over how the industry can and should be expected to act. The contributions in this book by leading figures in industry, government, NGOs, the medical community, and academia discuss and propose solutions to the ethical dilemmas of drug industry behavior. They examine such aspects as the role of intellectual property rights and patent protection, the moral and economic requisites of research and clinical trials, drug pricing, and marketing.” (Fuente: Cambridge University Press)
Selling Sickness: How the World’s Biggest Pharmaceutical Companies Are Turning Us All Into Patients
Ray Moynihan, Alan Cassels
2005, 2006, openlibrary
The lobotomist: a maverick medical genius and his tragic quest to rid the world of mental illness
Jack El-Hai
2005, 2013, 350+ pages, worldcat
The Truth About the Drug Companies: How They Deceive Us and What to Do About It
Marcia Angell
2005, 2006, 300+ pages, worldcat, wikipedia
A Collection of Articles on Disease Mongering
Moynihan R, Henry D (eds)
PLoS medicine 2006, url
Bad medicine: doctors doing harm since Hippocrates
David Wootton
2006, 2007, 300+ pages, worldcat
Just a little prick
Peter Butler, Hilary Butler
2006, 2015, 490+ pages, worldcat
Serious adverse events: an uncensored history of AIDS
Celia Farber
2006, 340+ pages, worldcat
The great cholesterol con: why everything you’ve been told about cholesterol, diet and heart disease is wrong!
Anthony Colpo
2006, 2012, 400+ pages, worldcat
The hundred-year lie: how food and medicine are destroying your health
Randall Fitzgerald
2006, 290 pages, openlibrary
The trouble with medical journals
Richard Smith
2006, 2011, 300 pages, worldcat
Cf. Smith R: The trouble with medical journals J R Soc Med. 2006 Mar; 99(3): 115–119; Smith R: Medical research—still a scandal The BMJ Blog 2014-01-31
Drugs, doctors and dinners: how drug companies influence health in the developing world
Consumers International (Foundation)
2007/2008, 39 pages, openlibrary
Overtreated: Why Too Much Medicine Is Making Us Sicker And Poorer
Shannon Brownlee
2007, 2010, 350+ pages, worldcat
Virus Mania: Avian Flu (H5N1), Cervical Cancer (HPV), SARS, BSE, Hepatitis C, AIDS, Polio. How the Medical Industry Continually Invents Epidemics, Making Billion-Dollar Profits At Our Expense
Torsten Engelbrecht, Claus Koehnlein
2007, 2021, openlibrary
Bad science: quacks, hacks, and big pharma flacks
Ben Goldacre
2008, 2013
Doubt is Their Product: How industry’s assault on science threatens your health
David Michaels (ed.)
2008, 380+ pages, worldcat
Fear of the Invisible: How scared should we be of Viruses and Vaccines, HIV and AIDS?
Janine Roberts
2008, 300+ pages
More Harm Than Good: What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Common Treatments and Procedures
Alan P. Zelicoff, Michael Bellomo
2008, 250+ pages, openlibrary, worldcat
Taming the beloved beast: how medical technology costs are destroying our health care system
Daniel Callahan
2009, 2017, 260+ pages, worldcat
Anatomy of an Epidemic: Magic Bullets, Psychiatric Drugs, and the Astonishing Rise of Mental Illness in America
Whitaker, Robert
2010, 400+ pages, worldcat
Mad in America: Bad Science, Bad Medicine, and the Enduring Mistreatment of the Mentally Ill
Whitaker, Robert
2010, 2015, worldcat
The Vaccine Papers: The stunning follow up to Fear of the Invisible
Janine Roberts
2010, 240+ pages, worldcat
Bad Pharma: How Drug Companies Mislead Doctors and Harm Patients.
Ben Goldacre
2012, 2014, 450+ pages, worldcat, worldcat
Drugs for Life: How Pharmaceutical Companies Define Our Health
Joseph Dumit
2012, 260+ pages, worldcat
David Healy
2012, 300+ pages, worldcat
Deadly Medicines and Organised Crime: How Big Pharma Has Corrupted Healthcare
Peter C. Gøtzsche, Richard Sydney William Smith, Drummond Rennie
2013, 2017, 300+ pages, worldcat
Dissolving illusions: disease, vaccines and the forgotten history
Suzanne Humphries, Roman Bystrianyk
2013, 2015, 500 pages, worldcat
The lobotomy letters: the making of American psychosurgery
Mical Raz
2013, 2015, 160+ pages, worldcat
Plague: One Scientist’s Intrepid Search for the Truth About Human Retroviruses and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), Autism, and Other Diseases
Kent Heckenlively, Judy Mikovits, Hillary Johnson
2014, 2017, 400+ pages, worldcat
The truth about big medicine: righting the wrongs for better health care
Cheryl L. Brown, John T. James (eds.)
2014, 2015, 250+ pages, worldcat
summary “(…) divulges secrets of the industry, which keep it focused on its own economic needs to the detriment of public health. The cost of American healthcare per person far exceeds other developed countries, yet it delivers life expectancies and infant mortalities that are ranked shamefully low among developed nations. Special interest groups and weak legislation created a”tapeworm” that continues to devour the American economy and shorten the lives of hundreds of thousands each year. Using true stories throughout, the authors illustrate that it is time for the public, students, educators, and legislators to recognize medical deception and secrecy, and to consider clear solutions on how they can achieve a safer healthcare system. A rich variety of authors with experience in revealing unsafe medical practices bring recommendations for changing healthcare delivery by taking an aspect of the healthcare system, identifying its shortcomings, and proposing ways to reduce harm plus correct the injustices. Included are discussions of imaging, medical devices, pharmaceuticals, hospital practices and procedures, and medical malpractice and negligence, among other topics. No consumer of health care should ignore the dangers inherent in the system; this book helps reveal them and suggests useful remedies.” (worldcat quoting the book jacket)
Thimerosal: let the science speak: the evidence supporting the immediate removal of mercury, a known neurotoxin, from vaccines
Robert F. Kennedy
2014, 2015, 500+ pages, worldcat
DDT/Polio: Virology vs Toxicology
Jim West
2015, 92 pages
summary “The DDT/Polio thesis represents the major historical turning point for political criticism of the sciences of environment, epidemiology, and germ theory. It was brought to the public by the independent research of Jim West, first published in The Townsend Letter for Doctors and Patients, June 2000. With three original articles published circa 2000, and with current (2014) updates, annotations and commentary, the author unearths a disconnected, buried science of polio, i.e., the 1950s arcana of Biskind, Mobbs and Scobey. With modern epidemiological graphs, with toxicological and virological insights, the thesis describes a human disaster resulting from the massive application of persistent pesticides circa 1945-1972. The oft-maligned Rachel Carson is effectively and simply defended. The author introduces strong arguments that enable a clear separation of science from politics within the areas of toxicology, virology and environmentalism, and the related topics, vaccination and immunology.” (amazon)
Silent shock: the men behind the thalidomide scandal and an Australian family’s long road to justice
Michael Magazanik
2015, 2016, 340+ pages, worldcat
Vaccine whistleblower: exposing autism research fraud at the CDC
Kevin Barry
2015, 2017, 140 pages, worldcat
Master Manipulator: The Explosive True Story of Fraud, Embezzlement, and Government Betrayal at the CDC
James Ottar Grundvig
2016, 290+ pages
Miller’s review of critical vaccine studies: 400 important scientific papers summarized for parents and researchers
Neil Z. Miller
2016, 2024 (volume 2), 330+ pages, worldcat
Pandora’s lab: seven stories of science gone wrong
Paul A. Offit
2016, 2021, 280+ pages, worldcat
Pharmageddon: a nation betrayed: a national trial lawyer reveals an industry spinning out of control
Stephen A Sheller, Sidney Kirkpatrick
2016, 183 pages, worldcat
Things That Matter: Stories of Life & Death
David Galler
2016, 2017, 200+ pages, worldcat
summary “»This is a masterful tour through the mystery and majesty of modern medicine, guided by a world-class physician who has the mind of a superb scientist and the soul of a fine poet.« ‘David Galler also shows rare courage in weaving his own, personal stories into his teaching about the technologies of care. This book will equally deepen the awareness of clinicians and enlighten the lay reader. It is a gift to both.’ Donald M. Berwick, MD, MPP In this highly articulate, down-to-earth, generous book, Dr David Galler tells stories of life and death from his position as Intensive Care specialist at Middlemore Hospital. Written lyrically and warmly, these stories are based on real life events describing the everyday dilemmas and challenges that doctors and patients commonly face. It aims to explain and demystify much of the work doctors do, cast light on the workings of the medical establishment and how medicine operates, in the hope that it will encourage patients to seek to be better informed and play a greater role in the decisions that will affect them and their loved ones. It speaks to the resilience of individuals and families and their extraordinary generosity and dignity under the most extreme pressure. This book is about realistic optimism and is a celebration of life. It is also a very personal story about David Galler’s life, his family and about his own slow coming of age as a doctor, from the sadness and helplessness he felt about his father’s death to at last feeling that he was of some use to his most important patient, his mother. (worldcat)
Pharmocracy: Value, Politics, and Knowledge in Global Biomedicine
Kaushik Sunder Rajan
2017, openlibrary
Quackery: a brief history of the worst ways to cure everything
Lydia Kang, Nate Pedersen
2017, 340+ pages, worldcat
The HPV vaccine on trial: seeking justice for a generation betrayed
Mary Holland; Eileen Iorio; Kim Mack Rosenberg; Dr. Luc Montagnier
2016, 2018, 400+ pages, worldcat
Dopesick: dealers, doctors, and the drug company that addicted America.
Beth Macy
2018, 2021, 500+ pages, openlibrary
Jabbed: how the vaccine industry, medical establishment, and government stick it to you and your family
Brett Wilcox
2018, 2020, 400 pages, worldcat
The Thalidomide Catastrophe: How it happened, who was responsible and why the search for justice continues after more than six decades
Martin Johnson; Raymong G. Stokes, Tobias Arndt
2018, 260+ pages, worldcat
Unvaccinated: Why growing numbers of parents are choosing natural immunity for their children
Forrest Maready
2018, 100+ pages, worldcat
summary “Why are more parents choosing natural immunity for their children? When I first heard that people were purposefully not vaccinating their children, I was shocked. Vaccines have been described as the most incredible medical invention of all time - a miracle of science and technology that has saved the lives of untold millions. I couldn’t believe that seemingly intelligent, educated parents were purposefully foregoing vaccines for their children, and in fact, were so convinced these medical prodecures were harming us, they would go out of their way to try to convince others. When a close friend of mine told me that his infant child was going to be unvaccinated, I thought he was completely insane. After much coaxing, he convinced me to do my own research and challenge him on his beliefs. A few months later, I had read things about vaccines and disease that I had never heard before. Things that no one - including our pediatrician - had ever mentioned. I was convinced there was a giant conspiracy to try and discredit vaccines, but after diving headfirst into recent scientific research seldom mentioned in the news, I eventually came to believe much differently about vaccines and the diseases they are supposed to protect us from. This short book will take you along the same journey I made as I transitioned from a dedicated vaccinating parent to someone who now questions whether any vaccines are actually worth the risk, even in third world countries. It barely scratches the surface of this, the greatest debate of our time, but if nothing else, will give you a clear idea as to why an increasing number of parents are rasing their children unvaccinated.” (worldcat)
Bottle of Lies: The Inside Story of the Generic Drug Boom
Katherine Eban
2019, 2022, 500+ pages, worldcat
The autism vaccine: the story of modern medicine’s greatest tragedy
Forrest Maready
2019, 280+ pages
The cancer industry: crimes, conspiracy and the death of my mother
Mark Sloan
2019, 160+ pages, worldcat
The price we pay: what broke American health care–and how to fix it
Marty Makary
2019, 2021, 270+ pages, worldcat
summary “One in five Americans now has medical debt in collections, and rising health care costs today threaten every small business in America. Dr. Makary, one of the nation’s leading health care experts, travels across America and details why health care has become a bubble. Drawing from on-the-ground stories, his research, and his own experience, The Price We Pay paints a vivid picture of price-gouging, middlemen, and a series of elusive money games in need of a serious shake-up. Dr. Makary shows how so much of health care spending goes to things that have nothing to do with health and what you can do about it. Dr. Makary challenges the medical establishment to remember medicine’s noble heritage of caring for people when they are vulnerable. The Price We Pay offers a roadmap for everyday Americans and business leaders to get a better deal on their health care, and profiles the disruptors who are innovating medical care. The movement to restore medicine to its mission, Makary argues, is alive and well–a mission that can rebuild the public trust and save our country from the crushing cost of health care.” (worldcat)
What Really Makes You Ill? Why Everything You Thought You Knew About Disease Is Wrong
Dawn Lester, David Parker
2019, 700+ pages, worldcat
Butchered by “healthcare”: what to do about doctors, big Pharma, and corrupt government ruining your health and medical care
Robert Yoho
2020, 350+ pages, worldcat
Death in Mud Lick: a coal country fight against the drug companies that delivered the opioid epidemic
Eric Eyre
2020, 2021, 280+ pages, worldcat
summary “»An urgent and heartbreaking investigation into the corporate greed and governmental corruption that pumped millions of pain pills into small Appalachian towns«–book jacket” (worldcat)
Overkill: when modern medicine goes too far
Paul A. Offit
2020, 280+ pages, worldcat
Pharma: Greed, Lies, and the Poisoning of America
Gerald Posner
2020, 2021, 800+ pages, worldcat
Plague of Corruption: Restoring Faith in the Promise of Science
Judy Mikovits, Kent Heckenlively
2020, 270+ pages
The Illusion of Evidence-Based Medicine: Exposing the crisis of credibility in clinical research
Jon Jureidini, Leemon McHenry
2020, 2021, 300+ pages, worldcat, bmj
Vaccines: A Reappraisal
Richard Moskowitz, Mary Holland
2020, 300+ pages, worldcat
Measles Book: Thirty-Five Secrets the Government and the Media Aren’t Telling You about Measles and the Measles Vaccine
Children’s Health Defense (organization)
2021, 240 pages
The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health
Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
2021, 400+ pages, worldcat
The Truth About Contagion: Exploring Theories of How Disease Spreads
Tom Cowan, Sally Fallon Morell
2021, 200+ pages
Vaccines: Truth, Lies, and Controversy
Peter C. Gøtzsche
2021, 250+ pages, worldcat
Virus Mania: Corona/COVID-19, Measles, Swine Flu, Avian Flu, Cervical Cancer, SARS, BSE, Hepatitis C, AIDS, Polio, Spanish Flu: How the Medical Industry Continually Invents Epidemics, Making Billion-Dollar Profits at Our Expense
Torsten Engelbrecht, Claus Köhnlein, Samantha Bailey, Stefano Scoglio
2021 (3rd edition), 500+ pages, openlibrary
You Bet Your Life: From Blood Transfusions to Mass Vaccination, the Long and Risky History of Medical Innovation
Paul A. Offit
2021, 270+ pages, worldcat
Doctor Ice Pick
Claire Prentice
2022, audio book
How to sell a poison: the rise, fall, and toxic return of DDT
Elena Conis
2022, 380+ pages, worldcat
Sickening: How Big Pharma Broke American Health Care and How We Can Repair It
John Abramson
2022, 300+ pages
Turtles All The Way Down: Vaccine Science and Myth
Anonymous (Author), Zoey O’Toole (Editor), Mary Holland J.D. (Editor, Foreword)
2022, 500+ pages, worldcat
The real AIDS epidemic: how the tragic HIV mistake threatens us all
Rebecca V. Culshaw
2023, 100+ pages, worldcat
The Final Pandemic: An Antidote To Medical Tyranny
Samantha Bailey, Mark Bailey
2024, 240+ pages
Can You Catch A Cold?: Untold History & Human Experiments
Daniel Roytas
2024, 450+ pages, worldcat
Lies I Taught in Medical School: How Conventional Medicine Is Making You Sicker and What You Can Do to Save Your Own Life
Robert Lufkin, Jason Fung
2024, 350+ pages


Die Nemesis der Medizin: Die Kritik der Medikalisierung des Lebens
Ivan Illich
1975, 2022, 300+ Seiten, worldcat
Titel 1975: “Die Enteignung der Gesundheit – Medical Nemesis”
Beschreibung Über den “Zusammenhang zwischen der modernen Leistungs- und Konsumgesellschaft mit ihren fast pathologischen Zügen einerseits und dem auf sie hin spezialisierten modernen Medizinbetrieb andererseits. Der moderne Medizinbetrieb, so schreibt er dort, »stützt eine morbide Gesellschaft, in der die soziale Kontrolle der Bevölkerung durch das medizinische System eine der wichtigsten ökonomischen Aktivitäten ist … Menschen, die durch ihre industrielle Arbeit und Freizeit verstört, krankgemacht und invalidisiert werden, bleibt nur die Flucht in ein Leben unter ärztlicher Aufsicht, das sie zum Stillhalten verführt und vom politischen Kampf um eine gesündere Welt ausschließt.« Wilhelm Korff kommentierte dazu: »Mit dieser provokanten These verliert die moderne Medizin gleichsam ihre gesellschaftliche Unschuld. Gesellschaftskritik ist hier zugleich Medizinkritik.«” (wikipedia a. 2022-04-07)
Krebswelt: Krankheit als Industrieprodukt
Egmont R Koch
1981, 1984, 350 Seiten, worldcat
Die Bedeutung der Medizin: Traum, Trugbild, oder Nemesis?
Thomas McKeown
1982, 260+ Seiten, worldcat
Bittere Pillen: Nutzen und Risiken der Arzneimittel; ein kritischer Ratgeber
Kurt Langbein, Hans-Peter Martin, Peter Sichrovsky, Hans Weiss
1983, 2018, 800+ Seiten, worldcat, wikipedia
Beschreibung “Ein Viertel aller Medikamente müsste vom Markt genommen werden, weil sie von ihrer Wirkung her fragwürdig sind. Das sagt der Herausgeber des Buches”Bittere Pillen”. Der Bestseller enthält Beurteilungen von insgesamt 10.000 Medikamenten.” ( 2010)
Trau’ keinem Doktor: Bekenntnisse eines medizinischen Ketzers. Über die enormen Gefahren der modernen Medizin, und wie man sich davor schützen kann
Robert S. Mendelsohn
1990 (englisches Original von 1979), 2001, 230+ Seiten, worldcat
Torheiten und Trugschlüsse in der Medizin
Petr Skrabanek, James MacCormick
1991, 1995, 160+ Seiten, worldcat, worldcat
Wann eigentlich bin ich krank? Überlegungen und Gedanken zum Kranksein
Gerhard Hütwohl
1996, 300+ Seiten, worldcat
Mythos HIV: eine kritische Analyse der AIDS-Hysterie; verfälschte Statistiken, trickreiche Virusnachweise, untaugliche Tests und illegale Medikamente
Michael Leitner
2000, 300+ Seiten, worldcat
Die Krankheitserfinder: wie wir zu Patienten gemacht werden
Jörg Blech
2003/2010, worldcat
Wie viel Medizin verträgt der Mensch?
Norbert Schmacke
2005, 200+ Seiten, worldcat
Virus-Wahn: Corona/COVID-19, Masern, Schweinegrippe, Vogelgrippe, SARS, BSE, Hepatitis C, AIDS, Polio: Wie die Medizin-Industrie ständig Seuchen … der Allgemeinheit Milliarden-Profite macht
Torsten Engelbrecht, Claus Köhnlein
2006, 2021, 400+ Seiten, worldcat
Die Arzneimittel in der Geschichte Trost und Täuschung - Heil und Handelsware
Erika Hickel
2008, 600+ Seiten, worldcat
Der ohnmächtige Arzt Hinter den Kulissen des Gesundheitssystems
Günther Loewit
2010, 2012, 200+ Seiten, worldcat
Vergiss Alzheimer! Die Wahrheit über eine Krankheit, die keine ist
Cornelia Stolze
2011, 250+ Seiten, worldcat
Wie viel Medizin überlebt der Mensch?
Günther Loewit
2012, 280 Seiten, worldcat
Bad Pharma: Medizin, Pharmakonzerne und Macht
Ben Goldacre, Anne Emmert, Karin Miedler
2014, worldcat
Krank durch Medikamente: Wenn Antibiotika depressiv, Schlafmittel dement und Blutdrucksenker impotent machen
Cornelia Stolze
2014, 2016, worldcat
Medizin ohne Maß? Vom Diktat des Machbaren zu einer Ethik der Besonnenheit
Giovanni Maio
2014, 200+ Seiten
Tödliche Medizin und organisierte Kriminalität: Wie die Pharmaindustrie das Gesundheitswesen korrumpiert
Peter C. Gøtzsche
2015, 2019, 500+ Seiten, worldcat
Vaccine Whistleblower: Betrug in der Impfforschung
Kevin Barry
2015, 170+ Seiten, worldcat
Der betrogene Patient: Ein Arzt deckt auf, warum Ihr Leben in Gefahr ist, wenn Sie sich medizinisch behandeln lassen
Gerd Reuther
2017, 2019, 400+ Seiten, worldcat, aerzteblatt
Der Contergan-Skandal und seine Folgen (Contergan: Hintergründe und Folgen eines Arzneimittel-Skandals)
Thomas Großbölting, Niklas Lenhard-Schramm (Hrsg.)
2017, 200+ Seiten, worldcat
Medikamente im Test: 9000 Arzneimittel geprüft und bewertet
Stiftung Warentest (Institution)
2017, 700+ Seiten
Beschreibung “Testergebnis: Überraschend viele rezeptfreie Medikamente taugen nichts. (…) Nur weil ein Arzneimittel in Deutschland zugelassen ist, muss es nicht sinnvoll sein.” (amazon)
7 Milliarden für nichts ein Landarzt rechnet mit dem Gesundheitssystem ab.
Günther Loewit
2019, 2020, 200+ Seiten, worldcat
Den kranken Menschen verstehen: Für eine Medizin der Zuwendung
Giovanni Maio
2020, 240 Seiten
Medizin ohne Moral: Diagnose und Therapie einer Krise
Erich Freisleben
2020, 400+ Seiten
Sehnsucht Unsterblichkeit: Wie die Medizin zur neuen Religion der Menschen wird
Günther Loewit
2020, 260 Seiten, worldcat
Corona-Impfstoffe: Rettung oder Risiko?: Wirkungsweisen, Schutz und Nebenwirkungen der Hoffnungsträger
Clemens G. Arvay
2021, 144 Seiten
Corona-Impfung: Was Ärzte und Patienten unbedingt wissen sollten
Beate Bahner
2021, 400 Seiten
Beschreibung “Noch nie wurden Impfstoffe so schnell zugelassen und so wenig getestet. Noch nie wurden genbasierte, experimentelle Substanzen so vielen gesunden Menschen verabreicht. Noch nie gab es so viele Todesfälle und Nebenwirkungen im Zusammenhang mit einer Impfung. Und das ist erst die Spitze des Eisberges, denn die Langzeitfolgen könnten noch wesentlich gravierender ausfallen. Das Paul-Ehrlich-Institut, zuständig für die Erfassung von Nebenwirkungen bei Impfschäden, ist mit der Bearbeitung der gemeldeten Verdachtsfälle bereits völlig überlastet. Die medizinischen Risiken für jene, die sich impfen lassen, sind immens. Ebenso die rechtlichen Risiken für impfende Ärzte. Sind die Impfungen wirklich sicher? Überwiegt der Nutzen das Risiko? Das kann niemand sagen. Die Studien laufen noch, die Impfstoffe sind nur vorläufig zugelassen. Wer als Arzt die vorhandenen Risiken verschweigt, verstößt damit nicht nur gegen fundamentale Regeln von Wissenschaft, Medizin und Ethik. Er macht sich unter Umständen sogar wegen Körperverletzung strafbar und riskiert erhebliche Schadensersatzansprüche. Diese Konsequenz können Ärzte nur vermeiden, wenn sie ihre Patienten umfassend und wahrheitsgemäß informieren und beraten.” (rubikon)
Der Ansteckungsmythos: Warum Viren nicht die Ursache von Krankheiten sind
Thomas Cowan, Sally Fallon Morell
2021, 280+ Seiten, worldcat
Die Intensivmafia: Von den Hirten der Pandemie und ihren Profiten
Tom Lausen, Walter van Rossum
2021, 230+ Seiten
Beschreibung “Schmieren, tricksen, täuschen, abkassieren: ein epochaler Korruptionsskandal begleitet die Politik der Bundesregierung durch die Corona-Pandemie. Milliarden Euro wurden mittels frisierter und manipulierter Zahlen veruntreut und umverteilt. Die Profiteure finden sich überall im hochkorrupten deutschen Krankensystem: Ärzte, Klinikleitungen, Krankenhausbetreiber, Intensivmediziner, Geräteaufsteller, Medizinerverbände, Militär, Gesundheitsministerium und Robert Koch-Institut ― sie alle waren und sind beteiligt an diesem gigantischen Raubzug gegen Bürger, Gesundheitsvorsorge und Volksvermögen. #DIVIGate war nur der Anfang. Das ganze Ausmaß der institutionalisierten Korruption und organisierten Kriminalität im deutschen Gesundheitswesen kommt erst nach und nach ans Licht. Tom Lausen und Walter van Rossum nennen die Akteure hinter den Kulissen und enthüllen schier unglaubliche Fakten. Möge die Aufarbeitung beginnen!” (rubikon)
Die Wahrheit über unsere Medikamente: Wann sie helfen. Wann sie schaden. Wann sie Geldverschwendung sind
2021, 300+ Seiten, worldcat
Falsche Pandemien: Argumente gegen die Herrschaft der Angst
Wolfgang Wodarg
2021, 400+ Seiten
Heilung Nebensache: eine kritische Geschichte der europäischen Medizin von Hippokrates bis Corona
Gerd Reuther
2021, 380+ Seiten, worldcat
Impfen – Für und Wider: Die Wahrheit über unsere Impfstoffe und ihre Zulassung - inklusive der neuen Corona-Impfstoffe
Peter C Gøtzsche
2021, worldcat
Virus-Wahn: Corona/COVID-19, Masern, Schweinegrippe, Vogelgrippe, SARS, BSE, Hepatitis C, AIDS, Polio, Spanische Grippe. Wie die Medizinindustrie ständig Seuchen erfindet und auf Kosten der Allgemeinheit Milliardenprofite macht
Torsten Engelbrecht, Claus Köhnlein, Samantha Bailey, Stefano Scoglio
2021 (10. Edition), 500+ Seiten
Wenn das die Patienten wüssten: Wahre Ursachen, wirksame Therapien
Jan van Helsing, Vera Wagner
2021, 480 Seiten
Achtung, Medizin kann Ihrer Gesundheit schaden: Ein Landarzt warnt
Günther Loewit
2022, 270+ Seiten, worldcat
Beschreibung “»Meine verblüffendsten Erfolge als Arzt habe ich nicht durch das Verschreiben, sondern durch das Absetzen von Medikamenten erzielt.« Ein Landarzt öffnet die Augen für den Irrsinn unserer Medizin: Medikamentenflut, Vorsorgewahn und eine entmenschlichte Gesundheitsindustrie machen Patienten zu Konsumenten und zu Objekten. Bodenständig, praxisnah und leicht verständlich zeigt Dr. Günther Loewit, wo die Fallen in diesem System liegen, wie sie sich umgehen lassen und wie Heilung im besten Sinn wieder möglich wird.” (buchkomplizen)
Das wahre Gesicht des Dr. Fauci: Bill Gates, die Pharmaindustrie und der globale Krieg gegen Demokratie und Gesundheit
Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
2022, 800+ Seiten

Relevant papers and meta studies


An Interpretation of the Decline of Mortality in England and Wales during the Twentieth Century
Thomas McKeown, R. G. Record and R. D. Turner
Population Studies 29 (Nov. 1975) 3: 391-422. doi: 10.2307/2173935, jstor, scihub pdf
The Questionable Contribution of Medical Measures to the Decline of Mortality in the United States in the Twentieth Century
John B. McKinlay, Sonja M. McKinlay
The Milbank Memorial Fund Quarterly. Health and Society 55 (Summer 1977) 3: 405-428. doi: 10.2307/3349539, jstor
Is US Health Really the Best in the World?
Barbara Starfield
JAMA 284 (2000-07-26) 4: 483-485. Commentary, pdf
Selling sickness: the pharmaceutical industry and disease mongering
Ray Moynihan, Iona Heath, David Henry
BMJ 324 (2002-04-13) 7342: 886-891. doi: 10.1136/bmj.324.7342.886
Avoidable waste in the production and reporting of research evidence
Iain Chalmers, Paul Glasziou
The Lancet 374 (2009-07-04) 9683: 86-89. doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(09)60329-9
An in depth investigation into causes of prescribing errors by foundation trainees in relation to their medical education. EQUIP study
Tim Dornan et al.
GMC UK 2009, 200+ pages, url, cf. How to reduce prescribing errors. The Lancet 374 (2009-12-12) 9706: 1945.
How American medicine is destroying itself
Daniel Callahan, Sherwin B. Nuland
The New Republic 2011-05-19, url
A new, evidence-based estimate of patient harms associated with hospital care
John T. James
Journal of Patient Safety 9 (2013 Sep) 3: 122-8, pubmed, url
Institutional corruption of pharmaceuticals and the myth of safe and effective drugs
Donald W. Light, Joel Lexchin, Jonathan J. Darrow
Journal of Law, Medicine, and Ethics 41 (2013 Fall) 3: 590-600, pubmed
The tyranny of dogma
David Rasnick
Journal of Information Ethics 24 (October 2015) 2: 76-95, url
Medical error—the third leading cause of death in the US
Marty Makary, Michael Daniel
BMJ 353 (2016): i2139, doi 10.1136/bmj.i2139, url
HIV – A virus like no other
Eleni Papadopulos-Eleopulos et al. (The Perth Group)
2017, 83 pages, pdf
The Anatomy of Big Pharma’s Political Reach Institute
Rebecca Strong
2022-04-08, url
Most healthcare interventions tested in Cochrane Reviews are not effective according to high quality evidence: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Howick J et al
Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 148 (August 2022): 160-169, url, doi
Lessons from a Serious Medical Mistake: At the heart of one of modern medicine’s greatest errors was confusing correlation and causation.
John Mandrola
2022-09-19, url
The pharmaceutical industry is dangerous to health. Further proof with COVID-19
Fabien Deruelle
Surgical Neurology International (2022-10-21) 13: 475, url, doi
The Hidden War
Roman Bystrianyk
2024-07-28, url


Die Anatomie des politischen Einflusses der Pharmaindustrie
Rebecca Strong
2022-04-08 (Original), 2022-04-11 (Übersetzung), url
Ärzte haben ausgedient. Die Ärzte können gehen. Ein Berufsstand schafft sich ab
Gerd Reuther
2022-09-19, url
Die Pharmaindustrie ist gefährlich für die Gesundheit. Ein weiterer Beweis ist COVID-19.
Fabien Deruelle
Surgical Neurology International (2022-10-21) 13: 475. Übersetzung p. 2023-01-04, url

Other relevant lists

Science in general


Why Most Published Research Findings Are False
John P.A. Ioannidis
PLoS Med 2(2005)8: e124. doi: 10.1371/journal.pmed.0020124
Science Fictions: How Fraud, Bias, Negligence, and Hype Undermine the Search for Truth
Stuart Ritchie
2020, 350+ pages


Gekaufte Forschung: Wissenschaft im Dienste der Industrie - Irrweg Drittmittelforschung
Christian Kreiß
2015, 230+ Seiten, worldcat
Gekaufte Wissenschaft: wie uns manipulierte Hochschulforschung schadet und was wir dagegen tun können
Christian Kreiß
2020, 250+ Seiten, worldcat

Alternatives & complements


Where there is no doctor: a village health care handbook
David Werner, later also: Carol Thuman, Jane Maxwell
1977, 2020, 400+ pages, worldcat
Getting well again: a step-by-step, self-help guide to overcoming cancer for patients and their families
O Carl Simonton, Stephanie Simonton, James L Creighton
1978, 2009, 280+ pages, worldcat
Complementary Medicine Systems: Comparison & Integration
Karl W. Kratky
2008, 300 pages, worldcat
summary “For almost all of us the question of health and illness is essential but although a considerable amount of relevant literature is available, the confusion concerning this subject matter still seems to grow. In general people tend to trust no less than their own personal approach, while alternate positions find themselves either ignored or opposed. This book chooses a different path as it investigates not only the potentiality of communication among the various disciplines but also considers four basic views or perspectives as interpretations of reality. In the process it becomes apparent that classical science and more recent developments, like chaos theory, no longer speak the same language. Furthermore, several well-known modes of healing are compared (like orthodox medicine and homoeopathy from the West, as well as Indian, Tibetan and Chinese medicine from the East). Apart from the expected differences, surprising parallels are emerging, above all the assertions concerning fundamental reactions of the human organism. This comparison leads to an integration of common results regarding the various medicine systems, which can be illustrated using a geometrical model (health disc, life spiral). Thus, the basis for the translation of insights and findings from one medicine system to another has successfully been established; therefore the utilisation of the (ancient) knowledge of one method of healing in other therapeutic systems proves to be possible.” (author)


Wieder gesund werden Eine Anleitung zur Aktivierung der Selbstheilungskräfte für Krebspatienten und ihre Angehörigen
O Carl Simonton, Stephanie Matthews Simonton, James Creighton, Modeste zur Nedden
1980, 2019, 350 Seiten, worldcat
Komplementäre Medizinsysteme: Vergleich und Integration
Karl W. Kratky
2003, 300+ Seiten, worldcat
Beschreibung “Die Frage nach Gesundheit und Krankheit ist für die meisten Menschen zentral. Es gibt dazu auch viele Angebote und Bücher, was die Verwirrung aber eher noch vergrößert. Jeder schwört auf seinen eigenen Zugang, andere Richtungen werden entweder ignoriert oder bekämpft. Das nun vorliegende Buch geht einen anderen Weg. Es untersucht zunächst die Möglichkeit der Verständigung zwischen verschiedenen Richtungen und geht auf vier grundsätzliche Blickwinkel ein, unter denen man die Realität sehen kann. Dabei zeigt sich, daß die klassische Wissenschaft und neuere Entwicklungen wie die Chaostheorie bereits nicht mehr dieselbe Sprache sprechen. Weiters werden mehrere der bekanntesten Heilweisen verglichen (unter anderem Schulmedizin und Homöopathie aus dem Westen sowie indische, tibetische und chinesische Medizin aus dem Osten). Dabei zeigen sich neben den naturgemäßen Unterschieden auch erstaunliche Parallelen, vor allem was Aussagen bezüglich grundsätzlicher Reaktionsweisen des menschlichen Organismus betrifft. Der Vergleich führt zu einer Integration der gemeinsamen Ergebnisse der Heilsysteme, was sich auch graphisch darstellen läßt (Gesundheitsscheibe, Lebensspirale). Damit ist auch die Grundlage dafür geschaffen, Erkenntnisse aus einer Richtung in eine andere zu übersetzen, womit das oft sehr alte Wissen einer Heilweise für andere Therapierichtungen nutzbar gemacht werden kann.” (Autor)



The AIDS conspiracy: science fights back
Nicoli Nattrass
2012, 200+ pages, worldcat
Vaccinated: one man’s quest to defeat the world’s deadliest diseases
Paul A Offit
2007, 2022, 250+ pages, worldcat


Die Medizin und Ihre Feinde: Wie Scharlatane und Verschwörungstheoretiker seit Jahrhunderten Wissenschaft bekämpfen
Herbert Lackner, Christoph Zielinski
2022, 180+ Seiten

Not sure


Autistic undisciplined thinking in medicine and how to overcome it
Eugen Bleuler
1919 (German), 1951, 1970, 200+ pages, worldcat
Pandemonium: bird flu, mad cow disease, and other biological plagues of the 21st century
Andrew Nikiforuk
2006, 2008, 280+ pages
summary “Avian flu and its potential to cause a human pandemic is only one example of a worldwide menace unwittingly unleashed by the forces of globalization. (…) Nikiforuk argues that it shouldn’t take a pandemic to make us rethink the deadly pace of globalization and biological traffic.” (goodreads)
Just a little white sleeping pill: [The story of the neurosedyn catastrophe]
Nadja Yllner
2008, 2017, 270+ pages, worldcat,
English translation of Swedish original from 2007
Philosophy of medicine
Alex Broadbent
2018, 2019, 270+ pages, worldcat
summary “Philosophy of Medicine provides a fresh and comprehensive treatment of the topic. It offers a novel theory of the nature of medicine, and proposes a new attitude to medicine, aimed at improving the quality of debates between medical traditions (including alternatives) and facilitating medicine’s decolonization.” (worldcat)


Das Autistisch-Undisziplinierte Denken in der Medizin und Seine Überwindung
Ernst Bleuler
1919, 2020, 200+ Seiten, worldcat

Critique, comments and additions welcome / Kritik, Kommentare und Ergänzungen sind willkommen.

Last updated 2025-01-31

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