A practical, handy, and versatile stamp for all sorts of dichotomies. Especially recommended for politicians, and scientists.
ache - comfort | analog - digital | analysis - synthesis | animal - human | art - kitsch | ask - reply | at least - at most | avoidance - devotion | BDSM - vanilla sex | beautiful - ugly | because - why | being - inexistence | black - white | blind - sighted | box - content - cover | cheap - expensive | coffee - tea | cold - warm | colored - plain | construction - destruction | continuous - discrete | crazy, mad - sane | criticism - praise | cut - glue | dark - light | dated - recent | day - night | denial - agreement | dichotomy - warrant | dynamic - static | early - late | East - West | ecology - economy | element - system - environment | expert - layperson | far - close | fast - slow | female - male | find - lose | finite - infinite | foreigner - native | freedom - slavery | friend - fiend | front - back | full - empty | funny - sober | global - local | god - human being | good - bad | green - red - blue - black | guilty - innocent | handicapped - unhindered - healthy | handmade - manu- factured | happy - sad | healthy - sick | heaven - earth | heavy - light | help - damage | homosexual - straight | honest - deceiving | independent - tributary | interesting - boring | justified - random | knowledge - ignorance | left - right | liar - liar | life - death | light - shadow | linear - non-linear | list - pile | long - short | loud - silent | love - hate | maybe - sure | mind - body | modification - conservation | natural - artificial | nature - nurture | negation - affirmation | nonsense - sense | once - twice | one - many | one way - anyway | open - closed | opponent - supporter | order - chaos | part - whole | past - presence - future | political - apolitical | polyamory - monogamy | popular - elitist | positive - negative | preserver - dominator | prose - poetry | question - answer | reason - aim | relative - absolute | religious - unbelieving - atheistic | responsible - irresponsible | revolution - evolution | rich - poor | right - wrong | riddle - advice | science - public | serious music - popular music | sexual intercourse - petting | silence - noise | simple - complex | small - big | smoker - nonsmoker | some - all - none | stagnation - variation | strong - weak | subject - object | sustainable - wasteful | synonym - antonym | talking - mute | thick - thin | time - space | top - bottom | torturer - victim | town - country | truth - lie | unemployed - employee | up - down | warrant - ruination | word - picture | yes - no | young - old | zero - one

widely applicable,
obtainable without prescription
- Also available in German: Der De-Dichotomie-Stempel
- More on dichotomies: Dichotomies' dichotomization and more by rattUs ratTus
De-Dichotomy Stamps are handmade as a limited edition of 47 pieces, each signed and numbered. You can order a De-Dichotomy Stamp on-line for currently 18 Euros including postage via e-mail.